I cannot believe that three months has gone by since my last post in this space. Where do I begin?
I'm still on this journey to less of me and becoming more Christlike. In terms of my exercise, I allowed the crazy schedule of our MAPP training, end of school, etc to get in the way of the wonderful routines I had established. I am exercising about once a week currently, and I really am ready to get back to a routine.
In terms of my eating, I have fallen back into some bad habits. I have indulged way too much this summer. Our lack of schedule and routine have also resulted in eating out way more than we usually do. Which is real fun... but my choices are not always good ones!
So, as you may have guessed, I have not continued losing weight. I have gained back a couple of the pounds I lost. I began feeling downhearted about it all. Thankfully, the Lord loves me just where I am but loves me too much to leave me here.
My friend's church is doing the Made to Crave group study. Thank you, Danielle, for your willingness to facilitate this group and be vulnerable along with us! I loved this book and am grateful for the opportunity to hear Lysa Terkeurst speak in the DVD. It also has a participant's guide for homework. It's really good stuff.
I have been so convicted that anything that comes before the Lord in my life is an idol. Anything/Anyone that I enjoy more than the Lord. Anything/Anyone that I cling to more than Jesus. Food, friends, facebook, foster care... {dog, that's a lot of F words.} My relationship with food is unhealthy. I have found that I trust in it, I love it, I run to it, I depend on it... you get the point. I want that to be Jesus. He loves me back! Not the food. He satisfies. Not the food.
I'm pouring Scripture into my heart. I am feasting on God's word. I am trying to memorize Scripture so that is what I depend on. {Not that basket of chips and bowl of guacamole.} These are the verses I am working on this week:
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore, honor God with your body." I Corinthians 6:19
Thanks for praying with me. Thank you for checking in on my journey. My heart is changing. It's painful. I'm grateful. I know this is not a quick weight loss goal, but rather it is a lifelong journey. I've decided I'm going to enjoy the journey. What about you?